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🔥 European Index Annual Review OUT NOW

Shared mobility in Europe generated €2.3bn in 2023. Read on for more insights

Fluctuo’s most extensive report has just been published, sizing the European market and deep diving into:

🇪🇺 Europe vs North America

🚲📈 Why dockless bikes can’t stop growing 

💶 A complete valuation of the European shared mobility market 

🇫🇷 🇪🇸 Deep dives into France, Spain and many more countries and cities


We all saw it coming. 2023 was a year of transition for the shared mobility industry.

It came out of necessity, rather than choice.

Lay-offs, mergers and acquisitions dominated the news in operators’ pursuit of profitability.

But there was some pretty good news to be had too.

💰 Market generates €2.3bn

600 million trips were made across all modes, generating €2.3bn in end user revenue.

⛳️ Ryder Cup of shared mobility

Europe still dwarves the shared mobility market in North America.

🚙 Shock of the year

Car sharing goes from strength to strength after a successful 2023 Rentals increased 39%, and is all but set to keep the upward trend. 

The market is growing nearly everywhere across the board, with the fastest growing markets being Germany, Belgium, Netherlands, Norway and Denmark.